
Welcome to
Nidarvoll SeaGMA

SeaGMA logo

FIRST® LEGO® League is one of the world's largest knowledge and technology competitions for children and young people aged 6-16. Its goal is to inspire children and young people to become tomorrow's engineers, scientists, and problem solvers.

In the middle of September each year, a new mission is released, and teams are tasked with solving it over an eight-week work period. During this time, they research the year's theme, find an innovative solution to a problem, and design and program a LEGO® Education robot.

After the eight weeks, the teams participate in a local tournament where they meet other teams that have researched the same theme. In Norway and Sweden, we have 36 tournament cities where teams can compete.

Nidarvoll SeaGMA

Nidarvoll SeaGMA is a team of 7th grade students from Nidarvoll Primary School in Trondheim, Norway. This year for the "Submerged" theme, we have researched sea lice on wild salmon and how best to eliminate these lice in the best way possible.

We want to fight sea lice that harm our wild salmon! The reason for this is that sea lice have become such a significant problem for wild salmon that it is a major factor in their decline toward extinction. Currently, there are no good measures targeting sea lice on wild salmon, only for farmed salmon.

Our solution to combat lice on wild salmon is the invention of an:
Underwater robot that shoots green lasers!

We need your support for the
World Championship in First Lego League

Nidarvoll SeaGMA is a team of students from 7th grade at Nidarvoll School (Trondheim).

After having won both the regional final and the Scandinavian final, SeaGMA will now go to Houston in the US to represent Technological Capital Trondheim, Norway and Scandinavia in the World Finals of First Lego League.

We depend on and want everyone to have the opportunity to participate. Therefore, we need help and hope that you can now support us.

Any donation, small or large is greatly appreciated!

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9th November 2024

Winner: Nidarvoll SeaGMA
Scandinavian final

30th November 2024

Winner: Nidarvoll SeaGMA
FIRST Championship
Houston, USA

16-19 april 2025